Your local small business needs to do what it can to survive the coronavirus crisis – that’s what this is about.
People ARE in fact changing their buying habits due to the coronavirus. According to a recent poll, over 30% of people have already begun purchasing more of their needs online versus going out, and it’s probably going to get worse as we move inward in this crises. In all of our lives we’ve never seen anything like it and it’s scaring a lot of people. The way we do business may even be changed forever.
The one thing that you’re most likely concerned about (after yours and your family’s health of course) would be survival for your local small business. Whether your business is brick and mortar store, an online travel agency, a service business, any business that deals with the public directly, or you do business with a business that deals directly with the public, you’re most likely going to suffer a loss of business and revenue in that local business – there isn’t going to be way around it.
This is probably not good news for you, especially considering how much work you have put in to build up your small business! But here’s the thing – your emotions can’t take over, as hard as it is. Being deer in the headlights will not work out for you – take action now to help your business survive. Do what it takes to survive the crisis – make a plan and execute. I am going to outline some steps you can take right now to help you get through this very challenging time in our lives. In owning a SMALL business, you can make immediate decisions today and you can also implement them right after!
You to make the difficult decisions because you are the small business owner. It’s going to take thinking outside the box to figure out HOW your business will survive during this crisis.
Here is an outline of what you can do starting right now:
1) Don’t Price Gouge Customers No Matter How Tempting
2) Unsubscribe or Cancel Unnecessary Services and Products (NOT Local) as Well as Bloated Expenses
3) Think Outside the Box For New Ways to Service Current Customers/Clients/Patients
4) Figure Out How What You Sell Could Be Helpful/Useful to People During This Period in Time – and Communicate That
5) Proactively Communicate With Current Clientele Regarding How You Can Help Them and What You’re Doing to Promote Sanitary Conditions/Social Distancing and What You’re Doing to Stay Open (or Re-Open as the Case May Be)
6) Expand Your Offerings in Relation to Your Current Offerings and the Times
7) Consider New/Different Ways to Market Your Business
8) Become Prepared for Better Times
9) Consider How You are Going to Re-enter the Market
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